Aggressive tines prepare the soil
Our aggressive Agrilla tines cultivate, ventilate and prepare the soil for quick drilling. The intensive vibrations of the tines grade the soil and effectively levels out hollows at the same time.

43,9 € rrp
AgrillaNova For NZ harrows. Art. No: 201470.

46,5 € rrp
AgrillaCobra For NZ Aggresive. Art. No: 192215.

76,9 € rrp
Agrilla X-tra For track eradicator to Rapid and Spirit. Art. No: 443842.

57,9 € rrp
NZ Extreme For NZ Extreme. Art. No: 208497/208498.

140 € rrp
Standard harrow points 25 batch. Art. No: 400523-25.

112 € rrp
HeavyDuty harrow points 20 batch. Art. No: 192213-20..

232 € rrp
Agrilla points For NZ harrows. 20 batch. Art. No: 302300-20.

21,9 € rrp
Goosefoot NZ Aggressive 120mm. Art. No: 214000.

Marathon 15/25; Adjustable in height, for example wheel track compensation.
Increase harrow precision
Marathon points improve harrowing precision during spring cultivation. Ensuring seeds germinate quickly and roots access moisture in dry conditions is crucial. Precision harrowing is essential to maintain uniform seedbeds and even crop establishment, especially when points wear unevenly over time.
Depending on where in the machine a standard point is places, the wear is different. This difference is eliminated with Marathon.The modern iPad-based control system Väderstad E-Control wirelessly connects to the Väderstad machine enabling full access to its functions and data. You benefit from user-friendly remote setup and calibration, as well as real-time monitoring and control.

Genuine Throughout
Farmer: David Jones Location: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK Crops: Winter wheat, winter linseed, winter barley, spring beans, spring wheat Farm size: 1100 ha

Choose Marathon Points!
Väderstad’s Marathon points provide both strength and efficiency, ensuring your machine has optimal function throughout the field.
Key Features:
- Maintains Working Depth Over Time
- Maintains a Perfect Attack Angle
- Eliminates Cracking at High Wearing Areas

For Rexius Twin
Marathon – always the right set depth!

Standard – varying depth

Increase the emergence with moreprecision during the seedbed preparation
To maximise the harvest potential, each plant should have the same condition. The field must be even and cultivated at the same depth during the seedbed preparation. The seed drill can place the seed in exactly the right place for fast moisture uptake and germination.

Track eradicators The tractor always creates tracks, which gives uneven conditions in the field. A Track eradicator levels the ground before the harrowing.
For NZ Aggressive 500-1000. Art. No: 7103161.

SingleKnife With knives mounted on CrossBoard, several advantages are achieved. The intensity increases so in practice the knives do similar work as an extra row of tines. This reduces the vibration of the front row of tines which in turn improves the depth precision. In addition, the knives push up more material to the CrossBoard, which grinds the soil more efficiently and increases the levelling.
Art. No: 430400.

Depth scale front CrossBoard heavy The depth scale improves the ability to cultivate with higher precision as the working depth is clearly visible.

The Control-function A large field can have several different conditions that must be cultivated. An individual field can have everything from light sandy soil to heavy soil. With the Control-function, the cultivation can be tailored for perfect result.

Marathon points On a harrow, the points are worn unevenly. The first rows and the tractor tracks wear more than the following rows. This results over time leads to poorer precision in seedbed preparation and uneven conditions for the seeds. With the new Väderstad Marathon point, the harrow can deliver perfect depth accross the machines width over time. In addition, the number of times you have to change your points are drastically reduced, which gives more productive time in the field. The points fit both NZ Aggressive and NZ Mounted.

Double following harrow Mount double harrow on NZ Aggressive or NZ Mounted for increased intensity. This improves the levelling and sorting effect. A well-sorted seedbed increases the proportion of fine soil to depth, where the seeds will be placed. More fine soil results in faster moisture uptake and reduced time for germination. With slightly bigger fractions at the surface, the sensitivity to capping after heavy rain decreases.

Rear drawbar Dry seasons makes moisture conservation extra important. At the time of drilling the moisture is extra valuable. Research shows that a single cultivation pass looses 3-5mm of rain by evaporation. By connecting a roller behind the NZ Aggressive, you can save one pass. The roller also reduces evaporation by increasing the amount of fine tilth and decreasing air in the soil profile.

13,5 € rrp
Following harrow tine 12mm width. Art. No: 306239.

36 € rrp
Following harrow tine Marathon 12mm width. Art. No: 298476.

21,5 € rrp
Following harrow tine 12mm width. Double 125mm tine distance. Art. No: 445067.

62,5 € rrp
Following harrow tine Marathon 12mm width. Double 125mm tine distance. Art. No: 298477.
Introducing the long-life Following harrow Marathon
For model year 2024, the following harrow tines, fitted to multiple Väderstad machinery are upgraded with a long-life alternative. By strengthening the following harrow tine with hard metal at the critical point of wear, the working lifetime of the tool is drastically increased.
“The new Following harrow Marathon will drastically increase the working life of the finishing tool.”
- To finish the seedbed preparation, the vibrating following harrow tines create an evaporation barrier whilst sorting larger aggregates and weeds to the surface, says Magnus Samuelsson, Concept developer at Väderstad, and continues:
- Comparing the new Following harrow Marathon to the standard Following harrow, demonstrates a prolonged lifetime in the field. Since the length of the tine remains constant it maintains its same vibrating, and therefore, soil sorting capabilities. The initial set angle also stays the same. This means a perfect working result year after year, spares the farmer time in the workshop and maximises value adding time.
Can be fitted to the Väderstad harrows NZ Mounted, NZ Aggressive, NZ Extreme, the seed drills Rapid and Spirit as well as the Carrier and Swift cultivators. It is also available to retrofit to existing machines.
The Väderstad unique MixIn shin
Doubles the mixing effect The MixIn shin throws the material forwards instead the more traditional method of throwing upwards. This forces the material to pass the tine twice, doubling the mixing intensity both in depth and distance.

26,9 € rrp
MixIn 50mm For Opus and TopDown. Art. No: 483233.

30,9 € rrp
MixIn 50/80mm For Opus and TopDown. Art. No: 234003.

31,9 € rrp
MixIn 80mm For Opus and TopDown. Art. No: 482278.

34,9 € rrp
MixIn 80/120mm For Opus and TopDown. Art. No: 234004.

38,5 € rrp
MixIn 120mm For Opus and TopDown. Art. No: 168265.

26,9 € rrp
MixIn 50mm For Cultus. Art. No: 234028.

30,9 € rrp
MixIn 50/80mm For Cultus. Art. No: 234001.

32,5 € rrp
MixIn 80mm For Cultus. Art. No: 217601.

38,5 € rrp
MixIn 80/120mm For Cultus. Art. No: 234000.

45,4 € rrp
MixIn 120mm For Cultus. Art. No: 172282.

26,9 € rrp
MixIn 50mm For Swift. Art. No: 492603.

30,9 € rrp
MixIn 50/80mm For Swift. Art. No: 234002.

31,9 € rrp
MixIn 80mm For Swift. Art. No: 481615.

35,5 € rrp
MixIn 80/120mm For Swift. Art. No: 240777.
MixIn improves economy and agronomy
Traditional shins have always been directed upwards with a slight twist. This directs the soil flow partly backwards since the cultivator is operated at 10-12km/h. With the MixIn shin Väderstad has changed the direction of the soil flow forward and thereby completely changed the way a cultivator performs.
Save diesel with better mixing
Mixing ability is the core work for the cultivator. Throwing the material forward means that it is worked several times, this helps mix the residues better into depth. Another helping solution is the shape of the shin where the radius is reduced slightly. Soil and residues falling down will “unmix” leaving more residues on top, the lower the height, the less unmixing occurs. The reduced radius of the MixIn shin reduces this height. Keeping the soil closer to the ground also saves energy. MixIn can deliver the same mixing result at a shallower depth saving diesel.

Less depth needed for a level field
After a wet year or a crop where the harvesting has been leaving tracks, the field often needs levelling. To level there must be soil brought in the driving direction in a machine. Throwing the soil forward with the MixIn delivers a very good levelling effect superior to conventional shins. This enables diesel savings. A bonus is also a more level field across the working width of the machine since less soil is moved sideways.

Fine tilth
Less clods improve the nutrient uptake by the roots of the following crop. The forward movement of the MixIn shin helps breaking the soil flow (1) and therefore reduces the clod sizes. Additional help is offered by the accelerated speed caused by the angle of the shin, this causes the clods to hit the ground at high speed further crushing them (2).

Good to know!
A guide to the right shin
Just as the points have their matrix, we have also developed a guide to choosing the right shin. With the shin matrix, you can easily choose the right shin based on the working depth you need to work. At the bottom you can see which point each shin can be combined with.

Good to know!
Try a wider shin than point. This increases mixing capacity at low cost.