Root development builds the yield
The agronomic benefits with Tempo are several. The planter works with perfect precision in several dimensions and the perfect depth precision gives preconditions for an even plant population that is a requirement to maximize yield. The development of the roots builds the yield and by placing the valuable seed with perfect precision the plant gets the best start. Bad seed depth placement costs money giving uneven plants and loss of yield. Even when the plants are developed, they benefit of equal spacing. The plants get the same conditions regarding access to water and nutrients which leads to both higher yield and a more equal ripening and quality parameters. An equal spacing also gives conditions for better root development, less fungi diseases, and bigger kernels.
One concrete benefit with Tempo is also to ensure optimal seed to soil contact. This is even more important in challenging weather conditions and climate changes with increased risks for long periods of drought and lack of moisture. The closing wheel helps to work for better moisture preservation which is crucial for a good and even germination and plant establishment.

200 € rrp
Seed system 16mm 16mm seed tube. Standard Art. No: 7120204.

240 € rrp
Seed system 22mm 22mm seed tube. For large seed types Art. No: 7120205.

12,2 € rrp
Fertiliser metering roller For TPF, TPT, TPR, Up to 250kg/ha in 15km/h. Art. No: 158669.

12,2 € rrp
Fertiliser metering roller For TPF, TPT, TPR, more then 250 kg/ha in 15km/h. Art. No: 173412.

96,9 € rrp
Fertiliser metering roller For FH, TPL. 400CC. Art. No: 217110.

109 € rrp
Seed coulter 16mm. TPF s/n -1176 TPT s/n -354 TPR s/n -216 TPV s/n -260 Art. No: 192435-1.

109 € rrp
Seed coulter 16mm. TPF s/n 1177- TPT s/n 355- TPR s/n 217- TPV s/n 261- Art. No: 203795.

119 € rrp
Seed coulter 22mm. TPF s/n -1176 TPT s/n -354 TPR s/n -216 TPV s/n -260 Art. No: 192439-1.

119 € rrp
Seed coulter 22mm. TPF s/n 1177- TPT s/n 355- TPR s/n 217- TPV s/n 261- Art. No: 203799.

182 € rrp
Standard seed sensor. 16mm. Art. No: 266685.

182 € rrp
Seed sensor 22mm. For large seed types. Art. No: 266686.

150 € rrp
Spring-loaded press wheel (requires 7120259). Art. No: 7120258.

115 € rrp
Adjustable closing wheel arm (long). Art. No: 7120259.

18 € rrp
Grid and insert for seed meter (Includes 5 parts: 199893, 199891, 199892, 237963, 242654) Art. No: 7120265.

410 € rrp
Extra light for FH 2200 Suitable for FH controlled by E-control or ISOBUS. Art. No: 7120273.

2500/1890 € rrp
Standard seed Y-divider for TPL This kit contains Y-dividers, brackets and tubes making it possible to upgrade existing fertiliser systems for improved lifetime. 223196 fits TPL16 and 223197 fits TPL 12. Art. No: 223196/223197.

6 € rrp
16 mm seed sensor adapter This adapter improves function when planting soya with seed disc 155273. This adapter is today delivered with new discs. For all Tempo. recomended when planting soya with a 16mm system. Art. No: 170969.
New micro granulate options
The ability to place micro granulate with Tempo is a feature that allows for multiple tasks to be completed in one pass. This ensures precise placement, enabling lower dosages of these often expensive inputs. The type of application varies significantly depending on the region or crop.
Historically, on the Tempo, it has been possible to place micro granulate either at the bottom of the seed trench or on top of it. This approach has now been completely reworked with both a new type of versatile coulter and a more efficient method of distributing slug pellets on the surface.
A new type of micro granulate coulter has been introduced, offering two interchangeable options: mixing the products evenly throughout the depth of the trench or placing them behind the closing wheels.
Generally, bottom placement is used for root stimulants with a phosphorus base or for some pesticides. The new coulter design ensures improved work quality, as it runs a considerably lower risk of clogging. Mixed placement is mainly used for pesticides. A new feature is that the
same coulter pipe is used for both bottom and mixed placement, with the only difference being the end rubber tube. This allows for an easy and cost-effective switch between the two options. The rubber ensures that the coulter can handle stony conditions without problems. In the long run, this new coulter will replace the current solutions. The coulter is retrofittable to all Väderstad Tempo models.
Another new feature is the spreader plate behind the closing wheel. Here, the granulate is dropped on the closed slot, preventing slugs from eating the young plants. This feature is particularly useful when planting oilseed rape in stubble. The rear spreader can be easily interchanged with the in-furrow placement and is retrofittable to all Tempo models.

Bottom placement

Spread placement

Slug pellets
Optimize your row cleaner settings
The row cleaner helps clear the furrow before the seeding unit, ensuring a seedbed without the risk of hairpinning. It also reduces the amount of stones or clods, providing a smoothe ride for the gauge wheels, which in turn improves the depth control of the planter.
The biggest challenge with row cleaners is setting the optimal pressure. This can be adjusted either by depth or by the weight release spring. There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation, as it varies depending on soil types and conditions. Generally, the pressure should be sufficient but not excessive. When working in stubble, a higher load can be used, but too much pressure leads to unnecessary wear; the row cleaner should only clean the row, not work it.
In cultivated soil, greater care is required as errors occur more easily. In this case, the setting should be as light as possible while still maintaining disc rotation. Going too deep in loose soil may result in shoveling soil, which risks planting too deeply. If the soil is moist beneath the surface, it can cause buildup on the gauge wheels, altering planting depth and causing vibrations. It’s important to understand that the rubber depth keeper serves as a limit for the absolute maximum; the row cleaner should only ride on them in extremely light soils.
When asked about the most common error, Lars Thylen, planter specialist at Väderstad, responds, “Too much downforce on the row cleaner in cultivated land. This creates variable conditions for the row unit. “

Art. No: 7120288
Tempo row unit
Upgrade your Tempo for the planting season for a perfect result. Also check your wear parts and make sure that your machine is working with the correct adjustments.
Closing the furrow the optimal way
The purpose of closing wheels is to close the seed trench, ensuring optimal seed-to-soil contact. In conventional planters, this is a significant challenge since the seed is placed on top of the trench bottom. Väderstad Tempo reduces the risk of insufficient moisture access by pressing the seed into the trench bottom with the press wheel.
The seed furrow should never be left open. The risk for this is greater on heavier, moist soils and is further increased when planting no-till. It is important that the closing wheel can break down the sidewalls of the trench, as the topsoil is generally dry and should not come into contact with the seed.
Types of closing wheels
The heavier the conditions, the deeper the planting, or the higher the soil moisture, the heavier the closing wheel should be. Be aware that the high planting speeds of Tempo result in increased soil flow from the closing
wheels compared to conventional, slower planters. Always avoid aggressive closing wheels when planting shallow, as they may go too deep and risk displacing the seed due to soil movement. Many customers also use a combination with one heavier closing wheel and one rubber wheel to avoid that the closing system becomes too aggressive.

Art. No: 7120176

Art. No: 7120208

Art. No: 7120175

Art. No: 7120240
The angle makes the difference By adjusting the angle of the closing wheels, the soil structure in the furrow can be tailored to meet specific needs. A straight closing wheel angle is used where the soil has a good structure and breaks apart easily.
If this is not the case, the closing wheels can be angled more aggressively, opening forward. This setting will cause the trench sidewalls to collapse and distribute fine tilth on top. The resulting small ridge will dry and warm up faster than the surrounding field. It is important to ensure that the closing wheels keep turning at this angle, as this can be challenging in stony conditions.
There is also the option of placing the wheels in a angle opening backwards, so called plowing position, which will create an area lower than the surrounding field. This can be beneficial for increased water uptake during rain and slightly less sensitivity to frost.

Good to know!
Cleaning the seed sensor on Tempo row unit
The seed sensor is a photocell exposed to a lot of dust during the season.
As part of the continuous maintenance the seed sensors are to be cleaned. Cleaning is done from inside the seed meter with the seed disc removed. Use the special brush that comes in the toolbox.
Please note! Under certain conditions it may be necessary to use water and detergent to fully clean the sensor optics.
Functional check of the optics The sensors have got an intelligent adjustment to compensate for dirty optics. Watch the sensors LED during start-up, if you see a yellow light for more then 3-4 seconds the sensor requires cleaning.
Immediately after system power ON, the LED will flash GREEN-YELLOW-GREEN. The time (in seconds) the YELLOW LED light is on show the degree of dirt disturbing performance.
Power ON with 100% clean sensor.
GREEN light for 1 second.
YELLOW light for 0,5-1 second (sensor automatically adjust sensitivity).
GREEN light continuous.
Power ON with 100% dirty sensor, sensor must be cleaned.
GREEN light for 1 second.
YELLOW light for 10 seconds (sensor automatically adjust sensitivity).
RED light flashing.